To increase your client's disk space:
- Simply Sign-in to WHM.
- Move toward Account Functions section in the left-side menu.
- Select -> Quota Modification.
- Select the -> username or cPanel primary domain for Quota Modification.
- Press Modify.
- Adjust Disk Space Quota as desired.
- Click Save.
Another option for adjusting account quotas in WHM is to:
- Simply Sign-in to WHM.
- Move toward Account Information section in the left-side menu.
- Select-> Show Accounts Over Quota.
- Account quota can be adjusted directly. Next to the quota field, you can also view the disk space used.
- click-> Save.
Increase Quota by Package
If you want multiple clients to increase/decrease their package, you can make changes to the package.
To accomplish this change:
- Go to WHM.
- At left-side menu, under Packages-> click-> Edit A Package.
- Select the package.
- Click-> Edit button.
- Make the desired changes.
- Click Save Changes.